Pumpkin Pancakes – Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves…Oh My!

pumpkinpancakes2I know it’s not officially Autumn yet, and it’s still miserably hot outside, but I’m longing for fall, dangit!! These pancakes hit the spot, and made me look even more forward to my favorite holiday – Thanksgiving!  I’ve seen several recipes for pumpkin pancakes out there but the difference between them and mine is the amount of spices; I tend to be heavy-handed in this recipe.  The stronger the flavors of cinnamon, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, etc., the better!  I’m tempted to crank up the AC, put on a sweater, and eat these by the fire.   Make these!  They’re easy and delish!  Let me know how you like ’em!

Peach Crisp

I needed to make a dessert for company recently and I knew I wanted something sort of summery, but warm since evenings are still cool here.  Wasn’t in the mood for cake, pie or the Chocolate-Banana Muffin Cakes I always make.  I decided a peach crisp was definitely in order since peaches are abundant and delicious right now.  Unfortunately, most recipes for any kind of crisp are laden with sugar and butter. This version does contain some Earth Balance, so it’s best for special occasions, but it’s definitely less fattening than standard recipes – and every bit as good!

Banana-Oat Pancakes

In our house, Sundays are known as “pancake Sunday!” Normally, pancakes are seen as a treat, eaten only occasionally.  Since these are healthy, there’s no need for deprivation! Just go easy on the syrup, and if you must, use a tiny bit of Earth Balance instead of butter or trans-fat-filled margarine.