
Cooking Demos

Preparing meals without animal foods can be easy and delicious.  I will prepare and serve a full meal in my home for up to 8 people as I demonstrate how to cook without oil, meat or dairy, without sacrificing flavor.  Larger group instruction with food sampling is also available.

Nutrition Education

Whether the goal is weight loss or to reverse or improve a health condition, I work with clients, telephonically or in-person, to determine the best foods for their situation, including recipes, sample meal plans and suggestions for family and children’s meals.   I am not a doctor and will not diagnose or treat, but I know, through my years of study and practical experience, what causes problems and what builds a healthy body! We will not do allergy testing, cleanses or detox programs, hair and saliva analysis, or supplements.  They are all costly, time-consuming, and have not proven to be effective in overall, long-term health outcomes.  It’s all about the food.  Clean, healthy, whole plant-foods!

Grocery Store Instructional Tour

When changing the diet, shopping for groceries and navigating the store can feel overwhelming.  With so many varieties and brands of foods available, people often don’t know where to start on their shopping journey.   I will walk through every section and aisle of my local grocery store, explaining what’s what, how to read nutrition labels, make suggestions for transitional foods when replacing animal foods, and demonstrate how to shop cost-effectively.

Kitchen Detox

Sanitizing your environment/kitchen is one of the first steps when it comes to changing eating patterns and consuming a healthier diet.  Many people don’t realize many of the foods taking up space in their pantries and fridge are sabotaging their goals toward better health.  During a Kitchen Detox I guide clients through each shelf and drawer, with my recommendations for what is safe to consume often, foods that should be considered occasional treats, and those that should be discarded or donated.  I will also offer recommendations for transitional foods that will serve as substitutes for animal foods.

For more information or to schedule a service, email me at, or call 949.829.3558