Low-Fat Cheesy Sauce [vegan + gf + no nuts + no oil]

cheesesauceI think I’ve finally done it and I’m really excited.

I have made a LOT of cheesy sauces over the years.  I mean, it’s crazy how many; recipes I’ve found and tweaked, recipes I’ve created, etc.  After all, mac-n-cheese was my favorite food before I went vegan 10+ years ago.  While I don’t crave the real thing, I still really love comforting foods like noodles with a creamy, cheese-like sauce.  Anyway, all the recipes I tried were similar to each other, all yummy, but all left me feeling like I wasn’t there yet;  that my quest for the perfect sauce wasn’t complete.  Getting the perfect combination of texture, mouth-feel, flavor and nutrient profile was beginning to seem impossible.

Sure, there are rich and amazingly delicious sauces out there but many of them call for a ton of nuts or a bunch of oil.  Any vegan food can taste delectable when adding a bunch of fat – there’s no creativity or skill in that.  The real challenge and test lies in making something that’s healthy, rich and delicious without exceeding your daily fat quota in one meal.

Yep.  I think I’ve finally done it.

Sour Un-Cream

I used to LOVE sour cream.  It was my favorite part about mexican dishes (other than the cheese, of course).  I’ve learned to live without since the store-bought vegan brands are highly processed and fattening, with added oil and junk.  And quite frankly, I don’t think they taste a thing like sour cream!  This recipe is much closer to the real thing, in my opinion.  Is it exactly like it?  No, but it’s a nice, healthy substitute.  And considering it’s got about 16 calories and 1 gram of fat per tablespoon, you can’t go wrong! We enjoyed it on our BBQ Lentil Tacos or with Chili (see Recipes).