WAFFLES || vegan | gluten-free | oil-free

waffles August 28, 2015

I got a Waring-Pro double waffle maker a few years ago and have only used it twice.  I just couldn’t find a waffle recipe to my liking.  The first one was a disaster and the second just okay.  For my third attempt I scoured the internet and found several vegan recipes but they either contained oil, had bad reviews or weren’t gluten-free.  For the record, I don’t believe wheat/gluten is the evil food many people make it out to be but I seem to have a sensitivity so I go without, which is really no big deal. When done right, it really does force one to make healthier choices.  Which is why most people feel better and lose weight after cutting it out of their diet; not necessarily because gluten was making them heavy or feel badly but because by cutting it out they eliminated processed foods and crap.  But I digress….we are supposed to be talking about tasty waffles here, not gluten.

As I was saying, I couldn’t find a good waffle recipe so I took a chance and made one up, and man was I happy I did! These waffles came out crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.  I did have to spray the waffle iron with cooking spray – you just can’t get away from that; trust me, I know this from experience.  So have at it! I hope these work out as well for you as they did for me.

Whole Grain Bread! Bread Maker Recipe

Several years ago, I asked hubby for a bread maker.  My big plan was to make lots of fresh-baked loaves of bread and never have to buy another loaf again.  Ah, to be young with such lofty goals.  I baked one loaf, it wasn’t great, and the unit was stored in the garage for several years.  My older, and much wiser self decided to dust that bad boy off and give the whole bread-making thing another shot.  SO glad I did!  My amazingly wonderful friend Donna makes bread all the time and is always telling me how fun and easy it is – and how great it makes the house smell.  She was so right!

I did some research and played around a bit with ingredients and ultimately came up with this whole grain treat.   If you don’t have a bread maker, ask Santa or whomever to bring you one.  You literally dump the ingredients in the metal “bowl”, and walk away.  Definitely the lazy man’s way to make bread (though not as lazy as buying a loaf at the store!).