Double Chocolate Chip Cookies || vegan | gluten-free | oil-free

IMG_9328Soft, chewy, gooey and chocolatey – that’s what these cookies are. Best part is they are a sinful tasting treat without the sin (maybe just a little bit).  Of course there is no oil or butter in these little gems, but I also tried to keep the flour, sugar and fat low.  You’ll notice the recipe calls for 2 med-large bananas.  As such there is a very small banana taste…very slight though.  If you aren’t a banana fan (I simply cannot imagine!), try using only one banana and replacing the other with 1/2 cup applesauce.  I haven’t tried this so I can’t say exactly what the end result would be, but it’s worth a try.

Enjoy your chocolatey goodness!

Banana Almond Shake (non-dairy, no added sugar or fat, gluten-free)

One of my favorite things used to be banana ice cream shakes from Ruby’s Diner.  Man, I loved those things.  Of course, this is years ago when I used to eat dairy products.  While I was pregnant with my daughter (21 years ago, yikes!), my unhealthy eating led to gestational diabetes.  I was told that the last few months of my pregnancy would be ones with ZERO sugar, not even fruit! I was devastated, especially because I had just started feeling well after dealing with morning sickness for 5 months straight (another reason I wish I’d known more about health and the best ways to take care of myself).  Why am I telling you this?  To illustrate how much I LOVED those darn banana shakes.  8 hours after I gave birth, I was allowed to go back to eating whatever I wanted.  Guess what the first thing I wanted was?  A Ruby’s banana shake!  My sister and her friend brought me one in the hospital and I devoured the entire thing.  If only I’d known what harm I was doing to myself AND my nursing baby.

What can I say? I was young, dumb and uninformed.  Now that I’m oldER, wiser and quite informed, I still love banana shakes (and anything “banana”) but I know better than to consume them.  I could, of course, just replace the milk and ice cream with non-dairy versions, but that’s not much healthier.  Sure, there’s none of that pesky, unhealthy dairy protein or saturated fat, but there is still a lot of other fat and tons of sugar.  My recipe for this shake has no sugar (only that from whole fruit), and does not contain ice cream, rather, frozen bananas and ice.  It’s truly delicious and a treat I don’t feel the least bit guilty about enjoying!

Cherry Chocolate Ice Cream! Non-dairy, low in fat, no sugar added.

I bought organic frozen pitted cherries from Costco recently and decided last night to actually do something with them besides eat them one by one out of the bag like I had been (they are like candy!).  This is one instance (of many) when a Vitamix is the most amazing kitchen appliance you could hope to have.  Love that thing. This creamy, delicious dessert is ready in about 2 minutes, and that includes gathering ingredients!  It’s so sweet, you can’t believe there isn’t added sugar.  Of course, when you sprinkle a few vegan mini chocolate chips on top as I did, that changes the no-sugar-added thing, but it doesn’t add much.  You only need a few.  I always have peeled, frozen bananas in the freezer for just this occasion.  Enjoy!!