My Recipe Chosen as the Grand Prize Winner!! Stuffed Portobellos w/Hummus Gravy

A few weeks ago Engine 2 (Rip Esselstyn’s baby) announced they would be conducting a recipe contest.  The entries had to include at least one ingredient from the Engine 2 line of foods (available at Whole Foods – try them if you haven’t!), be plant-based (duh), oil-free, low-fat and low-sodium.  I was familiar with the line of foods they offered and immediately got the idea for a recipe to enter into the contest.  It was announced today that my recipe was chosen as the Grand Prize Winner!!  So fun and exciting!

The folks at E2 will be sharing this recipe with their readers, and I am sharing it now with you.  It’s very easy, and delicious! Enjoy!


Tofu Scramble and Potato Quesadilla (vegan, oil-free, can be gluten-free)

I got the idea for this recipe last weekend when we got food from the Seabirds truck, a vegan food truck in OC.  Very tasty!  We had it for dinner but it would be great for any meal.

Traditional quesdillas call for ooey, gooey sticky cheese but this one does not.  You can use some Daiya vegan cheese if you like (it would be delicious, not gonna lie), but just keep in mind its a processed food with a lot of fat.  Maybe you can use a tiny bit.  🙂  In this recipe I used a cashew cheese concoction made with cashews and green chiles.  I didn’t use much since cashews are very high in fat as well.  I took my “Cheesy Sauce” recipe (see in Recipes), and tweaked it a little bit to make a thicker, spreadable mixture.  See below for details. You can use all sorts of different veggies in this dish; I used what I had on hand which happened to be mushrooms and spinach, along with the potatoes.

You can use brown rice tortillas to make these babies gluten free.